
TriNova’s Pet Stain & Odor Remover Review

As pet parents, my hubby and I often have to spot clean the carpets…sound familiar?

We’ve had pups with incontinence, or who underwent chemo, and our current challenge is with our pup Ginger who has a bit of a piddle problem. She’s a darling rescue pup, who has been working on potty training since her arrival to our little family. So you could say we’re pretty familiar with accidents in this house. 😉

And with all of the muddy paws that have crossed the floors and all the stains our poor old carpet has gathered over the years, you can imagine how many pet products we go through for stain and odor removal. 

Unfortunately, we haven’t had much luck with pet stain cleaning products. I had heard lots of good things about enzyme cleaners, so we recently gave some different brands a try, but we haven’t been happy with them. They seem to work for a bit, but after a day or two, I walk through the room and find that they’ve left ugly yellow stains behind like this one. 

Ugh and can we talk about the smell? Whatever chemicals they use, have such a strong odor that I end up opening up a window after cleaning up messes. And I find the carpet still has a strong stink to it days later, when I get on the floor to play with Ginger. It’s kinda gross.

So I was really interested when I learned about TriNova, because we really need pet stain and odor remover that would solve our doggie dribble issues while we continue to potty train our pup. I was also interested in making the process a little, let’s just say, cleaner, by turning to natural cleaning products. It was important to find something that wouldn’t cause Ginger harm chemically. 

Good news is this TriNova formula seems to have done the trick! Not only does it clean the carpet well, but it also has a fresh pleasant smell.

While spritzing and soaking the area, I could instantly see the stain starting to lift. After leaving it on the spot for 2-3 minutes, I noticed the spot was lighter and almost non-existent.

I followed the instructions and waited a few minutes before gently scrubbing the area and patting it dry with a cloth. You don’t want to rush this part, since waiting gives the natural enzymes time to penetrate the stain and odors at their root so they can do their job to clean and neutralize.

My husband and I have had zero trouble getting stains to lift and there’s no fake chemical-perfumey smell that’s masking unpleasant odors – just a clean natural scent. TriNova uses a plant-based formula that’ll clean your floors, carpets, dog beds and crates, furniture, and even your car, but it’s gentle enough not to irritate your skin. Best of all, I love that it’s safe-to-use around pets and kids. 

I must say, we’ve been very happy with this product and highly recommend it to other pet parents. In fact, I waited to write this review after a couple of weeks just to give it a true test. 

As our furbaby continues to learn to let us know when she needs to go outside, this spray will help us a lot! Thank you, TriNova!

If you have a pup at home, you know accidents can happen anytime. Good thing this Pet Stain & Odor Remover makes cleaning up after your little squirt a breeze! Grab some today, so it’s handy anytime you need it. 

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