Reflective Paw Prints Bandana

Spring means that it’s time to get back outside, go for a hike, and enjoy the beautiful warm weather. So we’ve got a super DIY to keep you and your pup safe when you’re out and about at night – thanks to reflective paw prints that make you and your dog visible to traffic.

This DIY Reflective Paw Prints Dog Bandana is not only quick and easy, it’s the pawfect evening accessory. In no time at all, your furry bestie will be ready to light up the night with their new look!

You’ll need…

  1. The size of your dog bandana will depend on the size of your dog’s neck. As a guideline, you’ll start with a square piece of fabric for the base that is:
    – 14 to 18 inch in size for small to medium sized dogs
    – 22 to 26 inch in size for large to extra-large pups
    Fold your square in half (diagonally) until the two points align and cut along the fold using pinking shears, so that you end up with two triangles of fabric. You’ll only need one triangle for this project. So the other can be set aside or used to make a second bandana. 
    Tip: Skip the first step and use a bandana your pup currently has as a template for the size and shape of fabric you need.
  2. Cut several paw print decals from the roll of reflective tape and place them randomly around the lower area of the triangle. The decals should be placed down touching the fabric with the protective backing on top.
  3. Cover paw prints with a dry cloth and iron for 20-30 seconds.
  4. Let cool for about 30 seconds.
  5. Gently try to lift up a corner of the protective backing to see if the paw prints are stuck to the bandana. The backing will change from an opaque white to clear when it’s done.
  6. If they haven’t adhered to the fabric, re-cover with a cloth and iron again for 5 seconds and check again. Repeat, as necessary.

That’s it! Tie the bandana loosely around your dog’s neck, creating a chic double knot. Be sure that it’s not too snug. You’ll know it fits perfectly when you can easily get a few of your fingers in between their neck and the cloth.

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