DIY PUPkin Bandana

Let’s face it, our dogs are adorable enough on their own, no doubt about it. But you can take their cuteness to the next level this spooky season with this easy last minute DIY. 

Whether you’re out trick-or-treating, attending a Halloween pawty, or spending a chill night at home, who needs over-the-top dog costumes? This DIY PUPkin Bandana is sure to be a hit!

You’ll need…

  • Fabric glue
  • Scissors and/or pinking shears
  • Measuring tape

Step 1

The size of your bandana will depend on the size of your dog’s neck. As a guideline, you’ll start with a square piece of fabric for the base that is:

  • 14 to 18 inch in size for small to medium sized dogs
  • 22 to 26 inch in size for large to extra-large pups

Fold your square in half (diagonally) until the two points align and cut along the fold using pinking shears, so that you end up with two triangles of fabric. You’ll only need one triangle for this project. So the other can be set aside or used to make a second bandana.

Step 2

Cut out one orange felt pumpkin shape, two eyes, a green  stem and a couple of leaf shapes.

Step 3

Glue the jack-o’-lantern pieces to the bottom corner of the bandana in layers, starting with the pumpkin, then the stem, the leaves…and then as you adhere the eyes in place, watch the face come to life. Press each piece down in place and let everything dry.

Step 4

Embellish the sweet little face by drawing a smile and freckle spots with the black and red markers.

Tie loosely around your dog’s neck, making a double knot. Be sure that it’s not too snug. You’ll know it fits perfectly when you can easily get a few of your fingers in between their neck and the cloth.

Just look at that adorable jack-o’-lantern face and pumpkin leaf details. This howl-o-ween your darling doggo is gonna be oh-so wicked cute!

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Don’t forget to share your pictures with us below or on Facebook. We always love seeing what you make for your furry best friends!

Want to see this LIVE VIDEO? Check it out HERE!

  • Dorothy Boucher
    Posted at 16:42h, 10 October Reply

    This is so adorable!! I love it and look at those beautiful furry members wearing it, awesome!!

  • Dorothy "FiveSibesMom"
    Posted at 16:12h, 10 October Reply

    This is so adorable. I wanted to let you know I included a link to your instructions in my article published in 4Knines and I shared it to my dog loving audience over on FiveSibes on Facebook. So adorable!

  • Patti
    Posted at 22:24h, 12 October Reply

    Thanks so very much, that’s so kind of you!

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