Dollar Tree Fairy Lights Pumpkin Bouquet

Looking for simple, quick AND budget-friendly DIY that’s perfect for Fall?! Then you’re sure to love today’s craft! Inspiration shout-out goes to Shannon @thedailydiyer. She made the cutest bouquet with twinkle lights and we thought it’d be fun to give it our own doggy-themed twist! 

Let’s jump right into this week’s Dollar Tree DIY… 

First step is to find something to contain all of that beautiful, twinkling magic you’ll create. We came across this really pretty glass pumpkin jar during a recent trip to our local Dollar Tree and knew it’d be the perfect base for making a fairy light centerpiece with flowers. 

Many of the other supplies can be found at Dollar Tree too, like colorful fall flowers, bamboo skewers, pine cones and fairy lights. So this project can totally be done on the cheap, but the end result looks like high end décor! 

You’ll need…

  1. Remove the jar’s lid. But don’t get rid of it – you’ll want to save the lid for later!
  2. Add a handful of pine cones and/or acorns.
  3. Put two AA batteries in the twinkle lights battery pack and then gently pull the lights apart and place them into the jar.
  4. Insert your favorite fall flowers.
  5. Glue a skewer to the bottom of one of the wooden paw prints. (Feel free to cut off a bit of the skewer, if you need to make it shorter to fit into your bouquet.)
  6. Make as many paw prints on a stick as you’d like. (It’s fun to have one for each pup in your family!)
  7. Tuck your doggie embellishments into the bouquet.
  8. Turn on the fairy lights – and let the magic begin!

When the sun goes down, this little beauty adds sparkle and romance to any room. Make more than one – and these bouquets can become stunning table centerpieces for a Fall wedding or they can add a festive touch to your holiday get-togethers.

Bonus tip: Remember the jar’s lid you saved in step 1? Well, whenever you’re ready to switch up your decor, the lid allows you to use the glass pumpkin as a treat jar for your pup! Yum!

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