Baby Oil Bottle Bouquet

Looking for simple, quick AND budget-friendly DIY that’s perfect for Mother’s Day?! Then you’re sure to love today’s craft! Inspiration shout-out goes to @motherhenshomestead. She made the cutest bottled bouquet with fresh flowers and we thought it’d be fun to give it a try! 

Now flowers in a vase is a classic go-to gift for moms and dog moms for Mother’s Day, but the blooms never seem to last very long. 

Have you heard of this new hack you can do? All those colorful buds can be bottled in baby oil, preserving them for up to a year!

Many of the supplies can be found at Dollar Tree (bonus points if you find a clear glass bottle with a fun shape!). So this project can totally be done on the cheap, but your mom will be SOOO impressed with the end result.

You’ll need…

Baby Oil Bottle Bouquet Craft Supplies from Amazon

Note, this project can get a little messy, so be sure to cover your table surface and have paper towels nearby before you begin. 😉

  1. Pour a small amount of baby oil into the bottom of your bottle.
  2. Tuck a few flowers inside – using the skewer to help with placement. 
    Tip: Dust off any pollen to avoid the oil from getting cloudy.
  3. Then alternate layers of baby oil and a few more flowers until you’re happy with the floral arrangement you made.
  4. Close the lid and gently wash any oil on the outside of the bottle with soap and water. Then make sure the surface is clean and dry when you’re done.
  5. Use this link to download and print the Love image we made especially for you! Upload this to your Cricut machine and follow the steps to create a sticker. Or simply cut out the image and make your own sticker using this super-simple technique.
  6. Press the sticker onto the bottle for a lovely finishing touch.

OMG it’s so pretty! And it’s mesmerizing to watch the petals dance and sway as you move the little time capsule back and forth. Your mom will absolutely adore your thoughtful gift and how it captures the delicate beauty of her garden all year long.

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